From October 12-13, the RECYCALYSE consortium celebrated its fifth General Assembly Meeting in Pfinztal, Germany to present and follow up on the work conducted during the last semester of the project.

The session was hosted by FRAUNHOFER ICT. There, the partners could enjoy a fruitful collaboration by discussing the progress, status and main advancements of the different work packages.

On the first day, the consortium showcased the progression of their main tasks and activities in the framework of high-performing catalytic sites, catalyst supports, combined catalyst upscaling, electrodes and single cells, electrolyser systems, materials recycling as well as communication, dissemination and exploitation.

The first day concluded with a walkthrough of the FRAUNHOFER ICT facilities where the consortium could see the different labs, plants and infrastructures where part of the RECYCALYSE technical development is conducted.




On the second day, the project coordinator, Danish Technological Institute started the session by defining the importance of the Life Cycle Assessments and explaining the upcoming actions to establish a solid workflow among the partners.

Last but not least, the consortium had the opportunity to organize different working groups to analyse the risks, define action plans and plan future collaborations which are great initiatives to keep the great synergy and teamwork.